Shooting the Birds – 2

Here are a few more bird shots from last week in Christiansburg, Virginia.


Common Grackle


Blue Jay



Christiansburg Photography

Northern Cardinal

©Bryant Altizer Photography

Birds flock to me for their portraits…Contact me for your portrait session.

Shooting the Birds – 1

Here are a few bird shots from this past week…taken in Christiansburg, Virginia.

Christiansburg Photographer

Song Sparrow


Eastern Goldfinch


Mourning Dove


Mourning Dove

©Bryant Altizer Photography

Birds come to me for their portraits…Contact me for your portrait session.

Pretty Bird

This male Northern Cardinal hopped on top of the bird feeder, and just stopped to pose in the sunlight on January 18, 2013.


©Bryant Altizer Photography
Speaking of posing, have you had your 2013 portraits made yet?  Click HERE to contact me.

Snow Robins

These 2 images of Robins in the snow are not all that uncommon.  But considering these were taken on January 17th, 2013, is quite a bit different.  In the past, I’ve always looked forward to the day when I see my first robin of the new year, which is usually in March, but sometimes even in February.  Seeing them in mid-January is quite unusual.  A few days later, I had seen close to 30 at different places around here.  I wonder if they didn’t fly far enough south, or if they came back north too early.  Hard to tell.



©Bryant Altizer Photography
Portraits in the snow?  I’m up for that.  Click HERE to contact me.

Cedar Waxwings

I love these birds.  I’ve often taken photos of these birds, but rarely have I had such good results.  We had about 30 of them at our house on a Saturday (January 12, 2013), and the weather was beautiful also.  Oh, and I was home for a change too.  Here are 3 of about 25 great images that I captured.  Let me know what you think.




©Bryant Altizer Photography
Click HERE to contact me for your new photos.